Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Exercises for the Ball and Socket Joint and Kneecap

Continuation of Ball and Socket Joint Exercises

6.  Raise your right leg, stretch it out and then bring it down dragging the heel inwards.  (Reverse of the previous movement, see previous article dated November 25).  Repeat with the left leg.

7.  supporting yourself on the elbows, lift both legs together and do both the movements as previous.

8.  Sit with legs stretched in front.  Starting with the right leg, inhale and pull it up slowly, till your touch your knee to the chin.  Then stretch out and exhale.  Repeat both legs alternatively.

9.  Pull up both legs together while inhaling touch the knee to your chin and then stretch exhaling.

10.  Sit supporting yourself on your palms, inhale and bring up both knees together.  As you exhale, bend your legs to the right with folded knees, trying to touch the ground with the knees.  Simultaneously turn the upper part of your body to the left.  Then bend your knees to the left and repeat the same movement.

Exercise for Patella (Kneecap):

1.  Hold your kneecap between your index finger and thumb.  Push it up and down ten times.  Then push it sideways, left to right, 10 times.  Pressing with both the thumbs, rotate the bone clockwise and then anti-clockwise, together 10 times – 5 times in each direction.

2.  Sit with legs stretched in front.  Rest your palms on the floor.  Tense (tighter) and then relax both legs 20 times.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Exercises for the Ball and Socket Joint

1.  Keep the right leg on the left thigh.  Hold the right toes with the left hand and the right knee with your right.  Rotate your knee clockwise (10 times) and anti-clockwise (10 times) this way the ball and socket joint get exercised.  Repeat this with the left leg.

2.  Holding the leg with both hands, pull it up slowly and touch the knees to your forehead.  Do this alternately with the right and left leg, 10 times each leg.

3.  Sit with the legs a little apart, stretched in front.  Supporting yourself on your hands (palms) life each leg and rotate clockwise and left leg alternately.  Then rotate each leg anti-clockwise.  Rotate 10 times in each direction.

4.  Bend backwards, supporting yourself on your elbows.  Lift both legs together and rotate in clockwise direction (10 times) and in anti-clockwise direction (10 times).

5.  Sit supporting yourself on your palms and legs stretched in front.  First pull your right leg backwards dragging the heel inwards.  Then lift the leg, stretch it out and again bring it down (cycling motion).  Do th is 5 times.  Repeat the same with the left leg.