Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Universal Magnetism – Evolution

Invoking the divine Knowledge of philosophers, scientists, and siddhas, with humility and conscious of duty to humanity, Vethathiri Maharishi ventured to reveal the wonderful secrets and divine nature of the bio-magnetism, which is the basis of all activities, characters, and wonders of living beings, on Earth.

First, let us understand the meaning of the word “Magnetism” in its real sense. As this word is pregnant with countless secrets of Nature and is important both in the fields of philosophy and science, it should be defined clearly regarding its cause, existence, and functions. As a self-enlightened person of inner travel practice, Vethathiri Maharishi had explained magnetism as understood through revelation.

Magnetism is a subjective phenomenon linking the unseen, primordial state of the Universe with all its perceptible appearances. It is the mighty and all-penetrating universal power functioning between in and around everything of the entire universe. Magnetism can be classified into three categories:

1) Universal Magnetism: This is the cosmic power, which maintains all functions of masses throughout the functioning universe.
2) Bio-Magnetism: This is the one which maintains the functions of all living beings: Thinking, sensing, moving at will, and all autonomic and central nervous systems functions, including reproduction.
3) Electromagnetism: This is artificially intensified power from the omnipresent universal magnetism, produced by any system using the forces of water, vapour, air, chemicals or solar rays.

Actually, these three categories of magnetism are one and the same in basic nature. According to the characterized stage in the evolutionary process and the field of functions, the same phenomenon shows specific and significant results.

As the universal magnetism is the basic principle in the evolutionary process of universe, elaborate, explanation, and perspective study of this supreme natural phenomenon are necessary for a creative science of living and enlightenment of consciousness for mankind.

We will see the elaborate aspects of these aspects in next articles.

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