Sunday, December 5, 2010

Yogic Exercises for Legs

1.  Sitting position – stretch both the legs, keep them one meter apart – keep both the hands behind on the floor on a supportive position – keep both the feet looking up – first inhale then slowly turn both the feet to right side, while running to right side exhale, while bringing back to the original position, inhale.  Repeat the same for the turning to the left side also.

2.  Position remains the same – stretch both the legs, keep them one meter apart – keep both the feet looking up – first inhale then slowly turn both the feet inside, while turning the feet exhale – while bringing back to the original position, inhale.  Repeat the same for turning both the feet outside.

3.  Position remains the same – stretch both the legs, keep them one meter apart – keep both the feet looking up – stretch both the feet forward and backward – exhale while stretching the foot forward and inhale while stretching backward.

4.  Position remains the same – stretch both the legs, keep them one meter apart – keep both the feet looking up – bend the feet fingers forward and backward – exhale while bending forward and inhale while bending backward.

5.  Position remains the same – stretch both the legs, keep them one meter apart – keep both the feet looking up – stretch both feet forward and rotate in clockwise direction to form a full circle – similarly anticlockwise direction also – while stretching the foot forward, exhale and while stretching it backward inhale.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Exercises for the Ball and Socket Joint and Kneecap

Continuation of Ball and Socket Joint Exercises

6.  Raise your right leg, stretch it out and then bring it down dragging the heel inwards.  (Reverse of the previous movement, see previous article dated November 25).  Repeat with the left leg.

7.  supporting yourself on the elbows, lift both legs together and do both the movements as previous.

8.  Sit with legs stretched in front.  Starting with the right leg, inhale and pull it up slowly, till your touch your knee to the chin.  Then stretch out and exhale.  Repeat both legs alternatively.

9.  Pull up both legs together while inhaling touch the knee to your chin and then stretch exhaling.

10.  Sit supporting yourself on your palms, inhale and bring up both knees together.  As you exhale, bend your legs to the right with folded knees, trying to touch the ground with the knees.  Simultaneously turn the upper part of your body to the left.  Then bend your knees to the left and repeat the same movement.

Exercise for Patella (Kneecap):

1.  Hold your kneecap between your index finger and thumb.  Push it up and down ten times.  Then push it sideways, left to right, 10 times.  Pressing with both the thumbs, rotate the bone clockwise and then anti-clockwise, together 10 times – 5 times in each direction.

2.  Sit with legs stretched in front.  Rest your palms on the floor.  Tense (tighter) and then relax both legs 20 times.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Exercises for the Ball and Socket Joint

1.  Keep the right leg on the left thigh.  Hold the right toes with the left hand and the right knee with your right.  Rotate your knee clockwise (10 times) and anti-clockwise (10 times) this way the ball and socket joint get exercised.  Repeat this with the left leg.

2.  Holding the leg with both hands, pull it up slowly and touch the knees to your forehead.  Do this alternately with the right and left leg, 10 times each leg.

3.  Sit with the legs a little apart, stretched in front.  Supporting yourself on your hands (palms) life each leg and rotate clockwise and left leg alternately.  Then rotate each leg anti-clockwise.  Rotate 10 times in each direction.

4.  Bend backwards, supporting yourself on your elbows.  Lift both legs together and rotate in clockwise direction (10 times) and in anti-clockwise direction (10 times).

5.  Sit supporting yourself on your palms and legs stretched in front.  First pull your right leg backwards dragging the heel inwards.  Then lift the leg, stretch it out and again bring it down (cycling motion).  Do th is 5 times.  Repeat the same with the left leg.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Yogic Exercise for the Legs - Exercises for the Knee Joint

1.         Pull up the right leg up to the left thigh.  Keep the right feet on the left thigh.  Holding the right feet firmly with your left hand, pull up the right knee with your right hand as you inhale and bring it up, touching the knee with you right hand.  Repeat the same with your left leg.

2.         Starting position same as above, slap the right knee with right hand repeatedly 60 times, so that the leg moves up and down like a spring.  Repeat the same with the left knee.

3.         Fold the leg bringing the two soles together press and hold both your feet together with both the hands.  Bend your body to the right and then to your left, so that the knee touches the floor.  Repeat this to and from movements 20 times – 10 on each side.  This exercises improves circulation in the buttocks area.

4.         Sitting in the same position, move the knees up and down like flapping of wings – 60 times.

5.         Sitting in the same position, bend down slowly and touch the toes with your forehead.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Exercises for the Ankle Joint

1.  Sit with the leg stretched in front, supporting yourself on your palms.  Legs should be at least two feet apart.  Starting position – feet and toes should be absolutely straight inhale.

i)          Stretch your feet up as much as possible from the ankle joint – inhale.

ii)         Stretch it down from the ankle joint – exhale (only the ankle joint to be moved).

2.  Keeping the legs straight rotate your feet from ankle joints in clockwise direction.

3.  Rotate the feet from the ankle joints in anti-clockwise direction.

4.  Lift your right leg and keep it over your left thigh.  Hold the right leg, a little above the ankle firmly with your right hand and toes with your left.  Rotate foot from ankle joint clockwise, five times.

5.  In the same manner as above, rotate the feet from ankle joint in anti-clockwise direction.  Repeat the above two 3 and 4 with your left leg.

6.  i)     In the same position, press and massage each toes from all sides starting with the big toe, moving from the base to the tips.  Rub and massage the inter toes spaces.

ii)         Hold all the toes together with the palm and keeping the thumb in the front rub along the back of all toes with your index finger.

iii)         Hold from the top and press all the toes together with your palm.  Repeat the above with your left leg.

7.  Starting from below the big toe, press with both your thumbs and apply pressure moving horizontally and downwards in a zig-zag manner covering the entire sole of the feet. (right and left feet).

8.  Legs in the same position, rub around the ankle bone on either side and massage well.  Start with right feet first.

9.  Starting from the buttocks press and squeeze the whole leg gradually, covering the thighs, knees, claves, ankles, feet, soles of the feet and finally the toes (as if squeezing a tube of tooth paste from the bottom to the top).  After reaching the tips of toes, imagine that you are throwing away the accumulated toxins out of the leg, having squeezed them out from the top.  Same treatment to be done from the legs.

We will see lots of yogic exercises for other parts too in future blogs.

Yogic Exercise for the Legs

1.  Sit with the legs stretched in front, supporting yourself on your palms, legs should be at least two feet apart.  Starting position - feet and toes should be absolutely straight inhale.

i)          Turn both your feet inwards as you exhale.  The two big toes should touch the floor.  Come back to the starting position again as you inhale.
ii)         Turn your feet outwards as you exhale.
iii)         Do it for 5-6 times.

2.  Starting position same as above.

i)          Turn both your feet to the right as you exhale. Inhale and come back to the starting position.
ii)         Turn your feet to the left as you exhale.

3.  Starting position same as above.

i)          Stretch your toes straight back towards you and inhale.
ii)         Flex your toes and exhale repeat this ultimately.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Universal Magnetism

The main subject of this exposition is bio-magnetism. This can only be clearly understood when one understands the universal magnetism, because bio-magnetism is a part of universal magnetism. Bio-magnetism is a pocket of universal magnetism. It is precisely characterized by the laws of evolution to function within the domain of the physical bodies of living beings.

Bio-magnetism is functioning in all life, from one-sense forms to six-sense forms, with added characters and capacity in every stage for countless generations. To understand all these, basic knowledge about universal magnetism is imperative. Universal magnetism is the key to all the secrets of the evolutionary process of nature.

Visualize the whole universe in a total perspective. It can be superficially categorized as space, energy, masses, and living beings. These four are in fact one and the same substantially, but the mind, which is the peripheral consciousness, separates them by differentiation through sensory perceptions as follows:
1. Cognizing appearance as quanta of volume, force, time, and distance.
2. Experience of pain, pleasure, peace, and ecstasy as a result of cognition.
3. Discrimination among different quantities and qualities perceived.

This unity in diversity can be understood when one studies the evolutionary process of Nature from the origin: Eternal Space – to the ultimate: Living beings.